40th Tanzanite Celebration Toronto


Dear Members,

I would like to update our members regarding Tanzanite.

Last year I decided to take on the Presidency to celebrate the 40th Anniversary.

My theme was “A Celebration of Life”, to remember all our members who have passed away 
in the last two years with a memorial service before the occasion.

Unfortunately, most of the banquet halls were fully booked. The rates have skyrocketed with 
the minimum cost being $40-50 per plate. The tickets would have to be increased to 
accommodate this. I have decided changthe dance to Spring 2023.

The float is in an account with the last President Joshua D’souza.

We are also in the process of rebuilding the Tanzanite website. We hope to have this done 
before the year ends.

Finally, the 40th Anniversary would be not have been achieved without the contribution of
 all the past Presidents and you, the members, remembering especially, Fernando Mendes, 
Terence Pereira, John Lopes, Danny Gomes and my Dad, Anthony (AKA Pop) Mendes.

— Arnold Mendes —

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